Applications will be reviewed, and you will be contacted directly to confirm if your application is successful.
Please Note
Before completing this form, please ensure that you have minimum of 3 persons in your group. If your display if fewer than 3 persons, please contact the organisers to discuss.
Group Principal Coordinator Details
Group Details
Please note that we do not accept daytrippers and all members of the group must arrive by 10pm on the Friday. Groups are min of 3 people.
Bob Jones
Andrew Mayo
Vehicle Make and Model
Vehicle Own
Year of vehicle/Replica
(Please note, persons with vehicles will need to complete a separate Vehicle Application form)
Cost of £10 Per Ticket
As show organisers, we are requested to ensure that any exhibitors or re-enactors including private military vehicles have adequate insurance arrangements in place. As a minimum, all vehicle exhibitors must have third party vehicle insurance in place. All re-enactors must have suitable public liability insurance.
Insurance policy information
Please note, all tentage on the display fields must be authentic. We have a separate exhibitor camping field allocated for those requiring modern camping facilities
Please confirm (tick box) that you agree to the Show’s Terms and Conditions and that all members of the Group agree to abide to the Terms and Conditions.
Please note that we will contact you in due course to request your Groups Public Liability Insurance document. You will not be granted access to the site to display if these documents are not provided.
By clicking register you confirm that you have read and agree to the Show’s Terms and Conditions - Living History and Re-enactors T&Cs | Yorkshire Wartime
Once we have received your application a link to PayPal for any required dance tickets will be sent on your application approval